Stakeholder Reports

Annual reports to our stakeholders on our progress, updates and financials.

YEAR 2018

Our annual report regarding our progress, updates and financials.

Published on March 2019

YEAR 2017

Our annual report regarding our progress, updates and financials.

Published on April 2018

YEAR 2016

Our annual report regarding our progress, updates and financials.

Published on January 2017

Newsletter Updates

Our periodic newsletters to our subscribers

SEP 2020

"God's miracle and abundant blessing for the student albeit the pandemic. A wonderful story about the expansion of Lighthouse Kapit"

MAY 2020

"By the Grace of God we survived during Pandemic and another remarkable journey in this year we celebrate 1st year Lighthouse Kapit."

JUNE 2019

"Remain purposeful in the little and big things that we do because our actions will cause a ripple effect."


"With approximately 150 students under our wings in 5 different hostels situated on the north part of Sabah, our team has been kept busy..."

APRIL 2018

"The year has gotten to a great start and we are excited and looking forward with anticipation in the months to come."


"The process of change is necessary for a caterpillar to morph into a butterfly. It requires time, patience, struggle and endurance..."

MAY 2017

"We are greatly encouraged by the people & resources that have come our way as it is a definite indicator that we're on the right track..."


"We step into the new year with greater grit, passion and focus even as our projects and community efforts continue to expand."


"...we are reminded that our vision ...is both a learning journey for us at Starfish and a partnership journey with those we work with."

APRIL 2016

"So much has taken place since the start of 2016 and we are excited at the small progressive steps taken to help local communities in Sabah."


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