Our Commitment Is Long Term

Our projects are based on our working model of achieving sustainability and having impact to bring holistic socio-economic transformation to individual lives and communities.

Our Sustainable Plan

All our hostels have a sustainable plan, both in the children’s well being and economically. Our children will be taught and trained in moral and soft skills capacity throughout their tenure in the hostel. Programs and regular tutoring are held to groom them in areas such as financial literacy, moral values, sports, self confidence and citizenship.

Economically, Starfish uses the land within the hostel compound to grow crops for food, commercial farming, animal husbandry, fish farming, aquaponics and commercial plantation to generate food for the hostels and earn sustainable incomes for the running of the hostels.

Currently, the hostel compounds have crops such as bayam, kangkong, ocra, lady's finger and bananas.

Current Projects

We are working towards having a pond for fish rearing, a chicken coup and rearing goats. These will provide meat and protein to our students.

Partner With Us

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