The Kapit Story
Young people from the interior Kapit areas need to go to Kapit town for their secondary school education. As a result of being away from their families, they are exposed to all forms of challenges with regards to morality, faith and working culture. Unless something concrete is being done to strengthen their faith, the probability of losing them at this impressionable age is high.
Kapit has the highest unwed teenage pregnancy in Sarawak. Other issues that plague youths are drug abuse, alcoholism and truancy. Only a small percentage of Form 5 and 6 students continue their studies. One of the reasons is financial constraints. The majority of them stay back without much to do. They joined the unemployed and loiter. These school leavers without qualifications are a main concern.
Kapit is the administrative town for Kapit Division which is the largest division in Sarawak. It has an estimated population of 56,000 people. To get there, you will need to fly to Sibu and catch an express ferry service. Thereafter, it takes approximately 3 hours journey inland on the Rejang River.
What We Are Doing
Starfish refurbished, renovated and repaired an old hostel built 60 years ago and have named it Lighthouse Kapit. This is a centre focusing on young people with a vision towards building Kapit as the Home for Mission for the upper Rajang Basin with an effective, friendly and thriving Youth Centre.
This project looks into equipping and nurturing young people into the next generation of strong leaders. We would want to see the work done to impact not just the ones or twos but we want to see many families, whole villages/longhouses, the whole community even the whole region impacted, transformed, rooted, built up and established in their faith and always full of thanksgiving.
Lighthouse Kapit focus in on the following tracks:
- Student & Youth
- Women's Welfare
- Leadership
- Economic Empowerment
- Social Concern
This is a multi-task group consisting of NGOs, churches and individuals who have a vision to bless the Kapit community through engaging, equipping and empowering communities with economic, social and holistic initiatives and programmes.
On 1 May 2019, Lighthouse Kapit was officially dedicated by Reverend Dr. Ong Hwai Teik, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Malaysia. In reaching our vision, Lighthouse Kapit partners with organisations, churches and NGOs to carry out specific initiatives, programs and events
Programs Conducted
Since its opening in August 2017, we have conducted the following programs for the children and young people in Kapit:
- A homework centre beginning February 2019 for Form 1 students from underprivileged families
- Guitar classes for students interested in music
- Methodist children camp for 90 children within the Methodist track
- Scripture Union camp for 105 students from various schools
- 'Standing Strong Through Storms' Seminar organised by Scripture Union (SU) and SPECS Bhd
- Women Fellowship
- Music workshop by Juwito Suwito
Our Partners